Eleonora Gianquinto

Eleonora Gianquinto is postdoctoral research fellow at the Department of Drug Science and Technology of the University of Turin, Italy. After graduating in Industrial Chemistry at the University of Turin in 2018, she enrolled in the PhD program in Pharmaceutical and Biomolecular Sciences under the supervision of Prof. F. Spyrakis, and eventually gained her PhD degree in 2022 defending the thesis ‘’In silico methods for the Design of Innovative Agents against Emerging Infectious Diseases’’. Her scientific activity is mainly based on the application of computational methods to the design and identification of antimicrobials towards Gram-positive and negative bacteria and inflammasome interferents.

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0996-5936
Email: eleonora.gianquinto@unito.it